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DownloadCompact couplings for high rotation speeds, means for couples.
There are two variations of the CARDAFLEX coupling: hollow hub and solid hub.
► Flexible element:
-Formed of solid natural rubber.
-External steel surround, bonded to the rubber.
-Triangular hub: a hollow hub bonded to the rubber and attached to the flange, or a solid hub which accommodates a grooved or keyed shaft.
► Steel flanges:
► Especially in the case of the CARDAFLEX solid hub coupling, the space occupied by the unit is much reduced.
►The outer surround of the flexible element can be centred directly onto the flywheel of one of the machines to be coupled.
The CARDAFLEX® coupling design gives it the following properties:
► Positive safety operation
► Relatively low conical stiffness
► A compact shape
► Good use at high speeds
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